unfortunately, i don't have space for a record player in my tiny bedroom...so i've changed my analog preference to cassette. i now have a space-saving portable cassette player (with fm tuner), a simple device which you can still purchase at electronic stores for $8-10. i got mine at the kmart in astor place and painted it over with coats of glitter and modge podge.
shopping for cassettes is fun, like treasure-hunting. in record stores, it seems like cassettes are almost always thrown into unorganized piles underneath alphabetized records and cd's, forcing you to dig and poke around to find the good stuff. a few tips: rainbow music on 8th and 1st has mountains and mountains of rare cassettes that you could probably browse for hours. ear wax records in williamsburg has a few boxes of cassettes as well as some rare ones locked away in a display case. and academy annex has some limited release small label cassettes. and plustapes, a chicago-based record label and distro which i recently discovered at pitchfork festival, deals solely with cassette tapes.
here is the small collection that i have built up over the past few days:
roxy music - avalon (1982)
serge gainsbourg - love on the beat (1984)
cocteau twins - heaven or las vegas (1990)
morrissey - bona drag (1990)
rem - out of time (1991/german takt music release)
the afghan whigs - gentlemen (1993)
kate bush - the red shoes (1993)
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